Sunday, April 23, 2006

Leafletting Complete / Phase 2 to Begin!

So, we've distributed leaflets to 6000 of the 6300 households in the ward. The remaining leaflets will be done by Monday/Tuesday.

In the 10 days remaining in the election, we're going to try and visit as much of the ward as we can for a 2nd time to find out what people think about the election and the choices facing Coventry. If anyone reading this would like a poster for their window, just give me a call, 07906 316 726, or email

In contrast, after 9 days of our campaign, I saw the first other campaigners for any other political party today, two Labour canvassers on Rochester Road. We swapped leaflets in a friendly way with the Labour people. I haven't, however, seen any Conservatives or Lib Dems. It's kind of like a western ... it's quiet ... too quiet. I'd rather have a street-to-street struggle and be constantly running into rival party canvassers.


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